Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our Goals

As many others in the blog-o-sphere, this is the time to start making changes and blog about it.  However, part of my goal was not to blog about it, but I wanted to find someway to keep me accountable.  There are so many things I want to try or do, and so I am starting this to keep track of it.  Even if no one ever reads this, it will have served its purpose if I have at least some success with my goals.

Here are my goals for 2012 (listed in no particular order):

Run a race (or two or ten!):  Running was my 2010 passion that I truely missed in 2011 and I want to get back to it.  I've already signed up for a 10K in April, so I am part of the way there!

Run a race with my daughter:  Today I took my daughter for a run, after months of her wanting too.  She is six years old and has a developmental delay, which has no name as we can't fine a diagnosis or cause after many specialists.  I have been resistant to take her for a run because I don't want her to get frustrated or hurt.  But she LOVED it!  We had great conversation the entire time and I hope we can keep it up!

Keep a cleaner house: Enough said!

Be nicer:  I have a tendancy to put my foot in my mouth several times a day because I don't think before I speak.  I lack a filter.  My goal is to add a filter this year.

Become a photoagrapher: I don't mean in the professional sense.  Photography was a passion of mine in high school, which I lost.  I'm hoping this year's tax return will get me a new camera, since a broken old one is my current excuse.

Loose 10 pounds by summer: again, enough said.

Create a baby clothes quilt: I have bags of old, stained baby clothes it HURTs to get rid of and I hope to turn them into some quilts this year.  I have two patches cut so far....does that count!

So, what are your goals for this year and how are you going to make them happen?